This February, we’re shining the spotlight on someone who embodies what it means to be a Certified Hunky: Mike! With a collection that would make any geek swoon and a confidence that has only grown in his 40s, Mike is unapologetically himself. His journey hasn’t been easy—he has faced challenges, but he’s emerged stronger, creating a chosen family filled with love and authenticity. Mike is an inspiration; Let’s get to know him better!
The Questionnaire
Q: Tell us a bit about yourself! What's your name, and where are you from?
A: My name is Mike (he/him). I was born in Dallas, TX, but now live with my husband in a little town about an hour north of New Orleans. I am at heart a collector. I currently collect vinyl records and comic books. I'm also a huge horror movie nerd.
Q: What does being a 'Certified Hunky' mean to you?
A: Being "Certified Hunky" is about embracing being in my late 40's. Its about finally feeling myself in my own skin and being the best version of myself I have ever been. I am finally seeing the person I was meant to be in the mirror.
Q: What are three things that you are most passionate about?
A: I am passionate about tattoos, both getting my own and encouraging others to get the body art they want. I am passionate about being there for my friends when they need someone. I am also passionate about enjoying my life with my wonderful husband.
Q: How do you express your individuality and authenticity in your everyday life?
A: I express my individuality primarily though my tattoos. I have a full chest piece and a full back piece, as well as multiple tattoos on my legs and arms. This is a huge part of me finally feeling like the person I was meant to be. I also love wearing clothing that showcases my geekiness, especially my love for horror movies and super-heroes.
Q: What's a recent achievement or personal milestone that you're really proud of?
A: I recently shared my experiences as an ex-Jehovah's Witness cult survivor on a podcast. I was shunned by my entire family and all my friends (from that life) almost 20 years ago. I wanted to share my story for other LGBTQ+ current or ex-Jehovah's Witnesses to encourage them through whatever they might be going through, especially if they have been shunned by their biological family.
Q: Who is a role model or figure that has inspired you in your journey, and why?
A: My husband inspires me everyday. His kindness, patience, and loving nature is truly remarkable. Also, the music of Mariah Carey in the 90's helped a closeted, scared, and lonely kid trapped in a cult get through high-school.
Q: What do you love most about being part of the LGBTQ+ community?
A: Having a chosen family, a family that truly loves and supports you, is the best thing to have in life. Overnight I lost my biological family. However, I am so thankful to have friends in the LGBTQ+ community I love as family as well as my husband, who is there for me everyday.
Q: If you could have a superpower for a day, what would it be and how would you use it?
A: Teleportation, so I could easily see the people I love who live far away, more often.
Q: What's one thing you wish more people understood about you?
A: I wish my biological family could see me as the happy, healthy, person I am.
Q: How do you stay connected with your friends and community? Do you have any favorite events, clubs, or online spaces?
A: I text those I love the most almost every day. I also love going to LGbTQ+ events, both large and small, where I can enjoy life with like-minded people.
Thank you, Mike!
A huge thank you to Mike for sharing his journey with us! If you’d like to follow along with his adventures and passions, be sure to check him out on Instagram at @campbloodcounselor.
Do you or someone you know have a story that deserves to be celebrated? We’re always on the lookout for the next Certified Hunky! Nominate yourself or a friend by reaching out to me at We’d love to feature you next!

Christian from Hunky Tops